7 Ways To Be Less Stressed In The Morning Rush

How to Stress Less in the Morning Rush

Whether you’re a morning person or not, having to get ready for work, get the kids to school or day-care, tend to a baby or all the above, there’s no denying that the morning rush can be the most stressful time of the day.  In fact, research suggests getting kids ready for school is the equivalent of an extra day’s work! (No surprises there).  So, what can we do to combat the stress and fatigue that we can feel before the day has even begun?  Here is my top stress less tips that help me stay on time in the morning rush.

Establish a solid routine

This goes for both yourself and the kids.  For yourself, make sure you get up at the same time every day and as boring as this sounds it also means getting enough sleep the night before.  As tempting as it is to hit that snooze button ten times the stress that comes later with rushing around is not worth the light sleep you get for that extra half hour.

Another tip is to make sure you get up before the kids (parents of newborn babies you’re probably giving me the finger right now, so you’re excused from this bit).  Seriously though there’s nothing more stressful than being woken up by a child demanding breakfast or asking where their favourite top is.   I love my time in the morning when I take the dog for a walk and come home, journal and have breakfast in peace.  It really sets me up well for the day and gives that precious pocket of me time.  

With the kids, depending on their age, make sure they have a set routine when getting ready in the morning.  My kids are at the age now where they know the concept of time, so our rule is when they wake up, they can watch their ipad’s and leisurely eat some breakfast but when 8am comes it’s ipads down and time to get ready.   Then boom, it’s get dressed, teeth, hair, shoes, bags and out the door.

For smaller kids it could be when a certain show finishes on TV or “after Mummy gets dressed it will be your turn to get ready” whatever works for you.  Morning To-Do charts can also be great for the younger kids so they can visually see what they need to do each morning.

Now I’m no fool to think that kids will actually do what they’re supposed to do all the time, even now when I sing out to my kids that’s it 8am I still get grumbled at, and the predictable request of “just one more video Mum?” usually follows.  I still remember when my son was about 3, he went through the phase of not wanting to get dressed for day-care and there were many tears from both of us during that time.  All that being said kids do thrive on routine and if you’re consistent then it should reduce the sh!t hitting the fan less often!   

Doing things in the PM will save you in the AM

I know sometimes after a long day at work, or looking after the house, all you want to do is curl up on the lounge with a glass of wine and watch some bad reality TV.  Trust me though by setting a little time aside in the evening will save you time and your stress levels the next day.

Make lunches the night before

Making lunches can be arduous and time consuming especially if you’re making multiple lunches for yourself, your partner, and the kids but doing it the night before will save you a heap of time in the morning.  I suggest investing in some good airtight containers to keep foods fresh.  My top recommendation is the Go Green Bento Box which is completely airtight and fits perfectly in the Sachi Cooler Bags.  If you’ve really got your organisational game on you can batch bake freezable lunches that you can simply grab and pack.  My personal favourite is the Lunch Box Recipe Cookbook by the Organised HQ.

Get clothes ready for the next day

I plan my outfit the night before especially if I work the next day and leave it hanging at the front of my wardrobe or folded on my dresser.

For the kids I get out a fresh uniform, undies and socks and leave them folded on top of their chest of drawers.  Their school uniform is quite casual but if you have one that needs ironing make sure it’s ironed the night before and left hanging at the front of their wardrobe or on their door.   You could also be like me and have a designated ironing day where you do all your ironing for the week.  Check out my blog on ‘How to make ironing enjoyable’ for some inspiration.

Have permission notes signed and ready

Each afternoon when the kids get home, I go through their bags for any notes and have them signed and ready for the next day, I then put the note in my handbag that night, so I don’t forget to drop it off to the office in the morning.

Tidy up before bed

Spend a little time before you go to bed making sure the dishes are done and put away and the counters are clear and clean.  Not only will you feel great waking up to tidy space it will also save you time not having to do it in the morning. 

A place for everything and everything in its place

Having a designated spot for items such as school bags (in a cupboard, by the bedroom door), shoes (shoe racks or shoe cabinets are great for keeping shoes tidy and accessible), keys (a decorative tray in your hallway to throw them in each day, or a designated drawer works a treat) and your wallet will stop the morning scramble pulling the house apart trying to find essential items. 

Check out my 5-step guide to organising any space if you need help with decluttering.  

Bonus tip 1

If you have a washing machine with a smart timer, put the washing in the machine the night before and set the timer for the morning or time of day that suits you.  If you don’t have a smart timer, you can always collect and put the clothes in the night before and all you need to do it switch it on in the morning.

Bonus tip 2

If you’re really short on time in the mornings put out any bowls, cutlery, cups etc that you’ll need for breakfast the next day. This is something I used to do when I had to do a day care and school drop off on workdays and every minute counted.  

You could also think about grab and go breakfast items like muesli bars, Up & Go’s, protein balls or a smoothie in a takeaway cup.  It might be tempting to skip breakfast when you’re in a rush, but it really is such an important meal to fuel you for the day.     So, by having a solid routine for both yourself and the kids, using good time management by doing things the night before, and having designated areas for essential items like bags and shoes, the inevitable tantrums, spilt milk, or broken cups will be a bump in the road rather than a complete derailment to your morning.

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