How to make ironing enjoyable (yes, it is possible)

How to make ironing enjoyable

I think we can all agree there’s very few people in the world who’d say “ironing, oh yeah that really does it for me”.  I dare say one of the very few positives to come out of COVID lockdown was living in trackies and active wear that didn’t require the iron to come out once.  However, now that we in New South Wales are slowly emerging from the shadows of our homes, and heading back to school and work, the time has come to dust off the old workwear and uniforms and surrender to the ironing board. 

Now I know many might iron as they go or avoid ironing altogether but honestly, I find it so much easier to set some time aside once a week and do a bulk iron, that way I know the family has all their clothes available and no-one is short of an outfit especially if you’re dealing with uniforms and there’s no other option.  Also, let’s face it some of our best clothes are the items that need ironing so why have a gorgeous outfit sitting in your ironing basket for months on end when you could be wearing it and workin’ it!

So how do we bring enjoyment to this arduous chore?  Below you’ll find my top picks to help you along the way. 

Before you begin:

As good as it feels to get through your whole ironing basket in one hit sometimes the realities of life and the volume of ironing don’t make this possible so, a good thing is to categorise your clothes before you begin.  I separate each individual’s clothes into piles and sub categorise from there e.g., shirt pile, pants pile, dress pile and so on.  If you have a partner or children that do their own ironing firstly, hat’s off to you and secondly, can I borrow one of them?! If you’re a poor schmuck like me follow the steps above.  The final step is to prioritise e.g., workwear and uniforms over weekend wear or formal wear that you can live without for another week.

  • Listen to a Podcast

I love a good Podcast but rarely have the time to listen to any so having a Podcast on in the background while I’m ironing gives my mind something to focus on rather than the large pile of clothes in front of me.  Also, because Podcast’s only require you to listen you can concentrate on the ironing but still have entertainment.  You’ll be surprised how quickly the time passes too.

  • Listen to an Audio Book

If you’re not really into Podcasts and love a good book but rarely have the time to read one, listening to an Audio Book is another great option. If it’s something you’re really into you might do even more ironing that you anticipated because you’re so enthralled in the book. Audible is a great app to try and you get your first audiobook for free!

  • Phone a friend

If you’re like me I’m constantly thinking about friends or family that I should check in with, then of course life gets in the way, and we forget and before you know it another month passes and you’re thinking the same thing all over again!  If you’re bound to the iron what better time to catch up with someone you haven’t spoken to in ages and actually having a conversation is so much more personal (and enjoyable) than just sending a rushed text message.  

  • Pump up the music

Music is such a great energiser so put on your favourite playlist whether it’s 80’s pop, 90’s R&B or the top 40.  Bonus points if you sing along!  Double bonus points if you randomly bust out some moves.

  • Set a timer

If you love a good challenge, then set a timer and see how many items you can iron within that timeframe and see if you can beat your time each week.

  • Have a cheeky drink

It doesn’t take much of an excuse for me to have a nice glass of red, so this is a little something I came up with one day where for each item of clothing I ironed I got to have a sip of my favourite Merlot afterwards.  Just a note I’m talking about a glass here not a bottle! Now if you’re doing this in the morning, or you’re a non-drinker, then you could always substitute alcohol for a coffee or even a chocolate bar where you get to have a piece after each item ironed.  It’s a little self-reward system to keep you going and because you deserve it!

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